Mother's Day Gift Guide - What Mom Really Wants for Mother's Day
As a mom for almost seven years now, I feel like a veteran {just kidding, I know I'm no where close...those teen years may do me in}. In these past seven years I've been so blessed in the wonderful gifts that I've received. I have seen and heard of a fair share of pretty awful gifts to other moms though, so I thought I'd help you all out with a little gift guide for Mother's Day this year!
Mother's Day is on May 14th, 2017 this year which is only TWO WEEKS from today! So you should definitely start planning what you are going to do for those special Moms in your life.
No matter what you do or buy for your Mom {or Mom of your kiddos}, she will love it and smile warmly just knowing that you thought of her. {she may be the one person where 'it's the thought that counts' actually pertains} It's not always about what you buy but sometimes what you do for her.
Here are a few ideas:
Breakfast in Bed
As a mom, there is nothing greater than waking up to a fresh cup of coffee and breakfast already made! {just remember - don't leave a huge mess in the kitchen, it's her day - clean it up!}
Take her out to her favorite brunch spot and maybe plan to invite other Moms in the family! {who doesn't love breakfasty-lunch with a mimosa!? *bonus - no mess to clean up!}
Here is a great Mimosa recipe if you would like to do your own brunch, here.
Delicious Mimosa Recipe from |
Give Her a Break
Moms like to just sit and relax too! {we just don't get a whole lot of time to do that} Let her spend the day doing whatever she wants, you take over the cooking/cleaning and child care for the day. {don't worry - it is only ONE day}
Plan an Adventure
I don't know about other moms, but I like to go on Adventures and try new things! Plan a day to take the family out on an adventure. Don't make her do all the work though, you have to make the plans and prepare! {snacks...whatever it is, if you have kids - you need snacks}
Gifts are never a bad thing...unless you buy her something that is really for you, or a household appliance that she didn't explicitly ask for... {we are not in the 50's - no vacuums please!} Here are a few gift ideas that are sure to make this Mother's Day special and memorable:
Photo Gifts
Photos are always a great gift, {and budget-friendly} - you can get almost anything made with a photo on it and she'll have it forever! Check out the options at Shutterfly here! My personal favorite is the Photo Book. And speaking of photo books - check out ChatBooks which you can make in just a few minutes and right from the photos you already post to social media. We use instagram a lot {here!} so these books are great to put those images in a book to have on the coffee table or to give as gifts!
Spa Packages
Every mother out there could use a nice relaxing day at the spa! Pick out a great spa package, and either surprise her with a gift certificate for her to use any day or schedule it for a day that is free {for both of you - because someone has to watch the kids!}
I don't know a mom out there that doesn't like flowers! So beautiful and fragrant, they make any room look complete. And they don't have to be cut flowers, if she likes to garden or loves house plants then buy a flowering plant that she can enjoy for years to come! Try or one of my favorites which are cute fruits cut and arranged in a bouquet as if they are flowers. {super cute, right?}
Or if you are willing to splurge a little {mom is totally worth it} then check out these beauties over at Venus et Fleur they come in amazing boxes and last for at least a year!
I know, predictable, right?! Well there's a good reason for that - you can literally never go wrong with jewelry. Just pick out something that is simple and timeless. I've received rings, necklaces and even a watch for Mother's Day - all really great gifts!
I hope this helped you on your quest to Mother's Day success! Let me know in the comments if you are a mom yourself and what your favorite Mother's Day present was!
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