Super Easy Spooky Halloween Decor DIY!
Halloween has to be my favorite holiday. It may be my inner {or not so inner to some people} witch, or the idea of dressing up in costume and trick-or-treating. I'm a little old to trick or treat these days, but I get to really enjoy the holiday through home decor {and dressing Daphnie up of course}!
We started to break all of our Halloween decor over the weekend and came across pieces that we had made in the past and decided to make a run to Michaels™ to grab the supplies to make another for our lazy Sunday activity.
We had no idea what we were wanting to create but soon after arriving we knew exactly! You can find all of the supplies that we made in this project at Michaels™. Click each item to see it on Michaels™ website!
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1. Paint the craft glue onto the top and dripping down the sides of the pumpkin.
2. Sprinkle glue with black glitter until covered {you may want to work on a covered surface}
3. Using the hot glue gun {adults only}, attach the foam skull to the top of the pumpkin.
4. Stick the black jewels randomly over the surface of the pumpkin around the glitter 'drips'
5. Let Dry & Enjoy
Happy Halloween!
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