Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Why Daphnie Chose to be {LIKE A KLOSS} for Career Day

Daphnie had career day at school yesterday and when I asked her what she wants to be when she grows up (I already knew the answer, but wanted to check anyway.) she said she wanted to be a supermodel, a mom, and a scientist/tech person. While that sounds like a lot, it's really not at all unattainable. So when trying to help her figure out a costume, I figured no one would help better represent model and tech than Karlie Kloss. 

code tech stem women in technology girls karlie kloss kode with klossy mommy and me ootd

Daphnie and I both look up to Karlie not only because she is a supermodel (and from St. Louis!), but she is a huge supporter of women in technology! Karlie started a coding program that helps girls ages 13-18 learn how to code in FREE summer programs. That is so incredibly inspiring. Karlie can often be seen at the events as well, which just shows how real she is and how she truly supports women in tech. 

You all know by now as a woman in tech myself, I am so excited to show Daphnie a great role model like Karlie Kloss that is interested in and is accomplishing Daphnie's dreams and goals. She has a super inspiring person to look up to and that makes me so proud!

Women and girls can have brains and beauty!

'Before my first coding class, the idea that I could build something with code seemed nearly impossible, but after only a couple of courses, I was working with my classmates to program a small drone. I realized that, just like art and fashion, code is about creativity, and that women who have these skills have the power to shape our future - and often have. Women are essential in forging digital progress and knowing how to code is the key to exploring and creating the newest frontier.'

-Karlie Kloss

Go check out her website and encourage a young woman you know to sign up for a course. Daphnie can't wait to be old enough to take her summer program!

Shop our Looks:

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Quick & Delicious Valentine's Snack

Scrolling through Facebook the other day, I saw a post shared by one of my lovely friends for a delicious Valentine's Day snack. I immediately saved the post and decided I wanted to makea similar treat for Daphnie's class, for anyone that doesn't know me, I'm always altering recipes to make them more my style or to my taste. 
{p.s. if you aren't following our Instagram, you can follow along HERE!}
valentine's valentines valentine day snack treat dessert idea school popcorn pretzels m&ms chocolate pink mix

This treat is so quick and easy to make, it only took me about 10 minutes from start to finish, and that includes mixing and melting the chocolates!

valentine's valentines valentine day snack treat dessert idea school popcorn pretzels m&ms chocolate pink mix


I linked all of the ingredients below, so you can click to view/purchase. I purchased all of these at Target!
(except the sprinkles which I already had)

(I picked Pop-Secret Sea Salt because I like the sweet/salty mix!)
(can be twists or sticks)
(these wafers are my favorite, I think they taste the best)
(you could make this treat for literally any holiday by switching out the colors)
(I picked pink sanding sugar by Williams Sonoma)
(or if a different holiday, whatever color matches)


valentine's valentines valentine day snack treat dessert idea school popcorn pretzels m&ms chocolate pink mix


1. Pop bag of microwave popcorn and set aside to cool.
2. Line a large cookie sheet with parchment/wax paper.
3. In a large mixing bowl add popped popcorn, be sure to remove any unpopped kernels. 
4. Put half of the Ghiradelli wafers into a microwave safe dish and melt per instructions on the bag.
5. Mix melted chocolate into the popcorn making sure to coat the popcorn evenly with the chocolate. 
6. Melt the other half of the Ghiradelli wafers.
7. While waiting for the chocolate to melt, add the pretzels into the mixing bowl with the popcorn, but don't mix it in yet.
8. After the chocolate is melted, add a few drops of pink food coloring and mix the chocolate evenly.
9. Pour the colored chocolate over the pretzels and mix thoroughly with the popcorn so that the mix is even. 
10. Spread the mixture evenly on the lined cookie sheet.
11. Sprinkle the mix with M&Ms and Sprinkles.
12. Wait to cool/chocolate hardens.
13. Enjoy!!

valentine's valentines valentine day snack treat dessert idea school popcorn pretzels m&ms chocolate pink mix

valentine's valentines valentine day snack treat dessert idea school popcorn pretzels m&ms chocolate pink mix

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for Her {and Mini-Valentines too!}

valentines day gift guide little girl wife girlfriend fiance idea unique cheap

If you have any ladies in your life, this gift guide has you covered! I have pulled together some really great gift ideas for the women and girls in your life and at all price points! Just hover over the image to see the price, and click to view more detail.

My Picks for Valentine's Gifts
{Everything from useful and practical, to everyday wearables to Valentine's evening wear.}

Daphnie has been picking out Valentine's day presents since Christmas, and she has made it so difficult for me as I am obviously not going to buy everything she asked for {she's spoiled, but not that spoiled}. Here are a few things she has specifically asked for {or already has!}

Daphnie's Picks for Valentine's Gifts
{anything and everything that has a unicorn horn or is cute or fluffy lol}

valentines day gift guide little girl wife girlfriend fiance idea unique cheap

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Putting the 'Man' in Romance this Valentine's Day with JORD Wood Watches

mens wood watch engraving unique valentine's day gift watches jord best chronograph

Finding the perfect gift for my husband is not always easy. He is quick to buy most things that he wants, so buying him something that he would love while keeping a surprise is nearly impossible. I love trying to surprise him, gifts are one of my love languages so I get a ton of joy out of giving them. 

his year I found such a perfect and unique gift, a JORD Men's Wood Watch, he was so surprised and couldn't wait to show it off to his family and friends. {Surprise!} I am also giving away the chance to win $100 off a watch for your special someone - {they make women's watches too!}. 

mens wood watch engraving unique valentine's day gift watches jord best chronograph


For those that have never heard of JORD before, you really need to check them out. They make the most beautiful wood watches. That is right, watches made out of wood. See more details about the design and types of wood.  They are so beautiful and unique made with the most gorgeous woods and designed so well, To make it even more unique, I was able to engrave his watch with a special message just for him. You can see more about watch engraving on their site.

I picked out the Hyde Walnut & Black watch. It has the perfect minimalistic design, with a beautiful dark walnut wood band with a black face and the perfect metal details.  

mens wood watch engraving unique valentine's day gift watches jord best chronograph

The Giveaway

Please click on the link below to enter the Giveaway for $100 off a Wood Watch! The best part is, everyone is a winner! One reader will win $100 off E-Gift Code while all other entrants will receive 10% off their order. Hurry, the giveaway ends February 18th at 11:59pm.

Enter the Giveaway HERE

mens wood watch engraving unique valentine's day gift watches jord best chronograph

mens wood watch engraving unique valentine's day gift watches jord best chronograph

mens wood watch engraving unique valentine's day gift watches jord best chronograph

mens wood watch engraving unique valentine's day gift watches jord best chronograph

Happy Valentine's Day!

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